This is a Paragraph+ block.
Introduce a page or highlight important information by using this two-column block.
This is our design guide page where you’ll find all the elements you need to create a beautiful, informative website.
The background of this block can optionally change colour. We recommend #35A399 for impact at the top of a page.
Heading two
This is a paragraph with dummy content (300 weight). ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally. This text is strong (700 weight).
This is a heading three
Images added within text content should be square. Use 50/50 columns to achieve this layout.
This is a paragraph with dummy content. ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
This is a heading four
This is a paragraph with dummy content. ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
This is a heading five
This is a paragraph with dummy content. ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally. ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
Page formatting
50% column A
WordPress allows you to split content into columns. This is what it would look like if you used the Columns Block 50/50.
50% column B
We recommend using columns like this to present larger quantities of text where possible.
Unordered list
- This is a bullet list with dummy content. This is line two.
- This is a bullet list with dummy content. This is line two.
- This is a bullet list with dummy content. This is line two.
Ordered list
- This is a numbered list with dummy content.
- Use a class of “alpha” to make an alphabetised list.
- This is a numbered list with dummy content.
Unordered list full-width
- ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
- ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
- ACS Midlands works across civil engineering and construction projects, proving our expertise locally and nationally.
Table Heading | Table Heading | Table Heading | Table Heading |
Cell | Cell | Cell | Table Cell content going onto two lines |
Cell | Cell | Cell | Table Cell content going onto two lines |
Cell | Cell | Cell | Table Cell content going onto two lines |
Pullquote block
2 column list
- item one
- item two
- item three
- item four
- item one
- item two
- item three
- item four
CTA block
This is a call to action block.
Use this block to highlight key information and encourage a click.
Gallery block
User Defined Title
Test gal
Statistics block
Weeks Duration
Project Value
Featured project block
Dogs4Rescue Facility
Project Management for Phase 1 works at Rescue World, a sanctuary and rehabilitation retreat for the dogs.
Winterfold School Car Park
Alteration works to an existing school car park. The modifications were aimed at improving safety, access and general performance.
Herbert’s Yard, Longbridge
The construction of a timber framed building and associated hard and soft landscaped areas to create a community focused mixed social space and street food venue.
Firefighting Water Storage
Maintain 45,000 litres of readily available water for firefighting purposes at a school in a rural setting.