
Wantage Eastern Link Road, Sections 1 & 2, Wantage 


Km New Link Road Constructed


Roundabouts Constructed




The planning permission for the 1,500 home development stipulated the requirement for a new link road.

The Wantage Eastern Link Road is designed to alleviate traffic congestion in Wantage town centre by providing an orbital by-pass to the east of the town between the A338 Grove Road and A417 Reading Road. The link road is split into 3 sections, the first 2 of which were delivered by the developer, with the third delivered by the local highways authority.

The most challenging aspect of the project was the construction of two, on line, roundabouts connecting the new link road to the existing carriageway at each end. This required complex temporary traffic and pedestrian management, the diversion and lowering of existing live services and the installation of storm water storage tanks in a live traffic environment.


Following an in depth review of the technically approved design, we commenced the offline elements of Section 1 while road space was being obtained from the local highways authority.

Once the road space was granted, our temporary traffic management system was put in place to facilitate the construction of the online elements.

These included the diversion and lowering of Statutory Undertaker’s equipment, the installation of a new storm water drainage system, including storage tank, to suit the new highway layout and the construction of new carriageway and footways. 

The process was then repeated for Section 2.

The project comprised the following elements:

  • Construction issue design 
  • Temporary works design including temporary traffic management systems 
  • Diversion and lowering of Statutory Undertaker’s equipment 
  • Installation of new storm water drainage system including a network of SUDS swales and 2 storage tanks with flow controlled outfalls into watercourses 
  • Road construction 
  • Footway construction 
  • Toucan crossing 
  • Signage 
  • Street lighting 
  • Street furniture 
  • Landscaping 

At ACS Midlands we have many capabilities. Get in touch for more information on this project or to discuss your requirements.


Dogs4Rescue Facility

Project Management for Phase 1 works at Rescue World, a sanctuary and rehabilitation retreat for the dogs.


Winterfold School Car Park

Alteration works to an existing school car park. The modifications were aimed at improving safety, access and general performance.


Herbert’s Yard, Longbridge

The construction of a timber framed building and associated hard and soft landscaped areas to create a community focused mixed social space and street food venue.


Firefighting Water Storage

Maintain 45,000 litres of readily available water for firefighting purposes at a school in a rural setting.